All entries must be registered and paid in full by posted deadlines.
All registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
No refunds will be issued due to studio error.
No refunds will be given in the event of technical difficulties, including loss of judges' critiques, issues with audio, or similar issues.
Credit for a future event will be issued if event requires cancellation due to weather, cancellation by the venue, illness outbreak, or other unexpected circumstances after the final deadline. No refunds will be issued if event is held in inclement weather or other extenuating circumstance and studio chooses not to attend.
Judges reserve the right to disqualify or deduct points from inappropriate routines.
Dangerous props are prohibited.
Dancers may not compete with more than one studio at the same Regional or National event.
TCDC is not responsible for any lost or stolen items at any event.
Entry Information
Solo (1 dancer)
Duo/Trio (2 - 3 dancers)
Small Group (4 - 8 dancers)
Large Group (9 - 14 dancers)
Line (15+)
Extended (4+)
Production (10+)
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes,
3 minutes, 30 seconds
4 minutes
5 minutes, 30 seconds
8 minutes
A 1-point deduction will be taken for every 5 seconds over the time limit.
Additional time can be purchased for solos, duo/trios, and productions for $2/dancer for 30 seconds.
5 and under
6 - 8 years old
9 - 11 years old
12 - 13 years old
14 - 15 years old
16 - 19 years old
20 - 29 years old
30+ years old
Sr. Teen
Ages are automatically calculated as the age as of January 1 of the competition year.
Group ages are calculated
as the average age, and will round up.
Musical Theatre
No more than 3 acrobatic tricks are allowed except in acrobatics and open categories.
Proper shoes should be worn for tap, pointe, and clogging.
Level Information
Dances under 3 hrs/week and/or first time competing
Dances 3 - 5 hrs/week and/or some competitive experience
Dances 5+ hrs/week and/or experienced competitor
Choregraphed by someone who is not a professional dance teacher
50% (or more) of the dancers are professional
Adults with minimal dance experience
Student Choreography
Levels are calculated automatically and will be assigned by median level for groups. If the median cannot be found (ie. a dance with 4 students, 2 novice, 2 intermediate), the level will be assigned as the higher of the 2 levels. For example, a dance with 3 novice students, 3 advanced students would be assigned as an advanced dance.
For dances that contain no intermediate students but an even split of novice and advanced students (ie. a duet with 1 novice student and 1 advanced student), the level will be calculated as the higher level (ie. advanced for this example).
Title contestants
Dancers wishing to participate in this competition must submit one (and only one) solo entry for consideration. Tiny.
Mini and Petite Title Contestants can compete in the Novice and Intermediate level or above. Junior, Teen, and Sr. Teen Title Contestants must compete in the Advanced level.
A recent headshot must be submitted at the time of entry submission via online registration system or via email. This headshot need not be professional.
Each title contestant will introduce themselves on-stage with the other title contestants.
Title winners will be selected by judges based on overall presentation of dance, introduction, and headshot. Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 contestants. Winning the high score in the adjudicated section does not guarantee a title crown. Medals will be awarded based on placement for all other contestants.
Male contestants will not compete against female contestants.
Only Regional Title Winners, Second, and Third Place are eligible to compete for the National Title. *Fourth and Fifth place may be welcome to compete for National Title if First through Third Place do not attend Nationals OR do not compete for the National Title.*
Adjudication and awards
295- 300
288- 295
279 - 288
268- 279
254 - 268
232- 254
*scores are rounded to the nearest .1
Platinum Plus
*NEW* High Platinum
High Gold
High Silver
An overall high score award, a first runner-up, and a second runner-up for each event will be awarded in addition to Divisional High Score Awards.
Overall High Score of the weekend - $100
Second Overall High Score of the weekend - $75
Third Overall High Score of the weekend - $50
Cash awards for nationals or next season regionals only. Not eligible for cash or concessions.
For events with 100+ entries and 25+ entries in each level, Divisional High Scores will be given by level (with the exception of all Super Group categories and the Adult, Adult+, Parent, and Pro-Am divisions). Additionally, an overall high score award will be given in each level.
Number of Entries (Division/Age)
3 Entries
4 Entries
5 - 9 Entries
10+ Entries
Awards Given
Top 3
Top 4
Top 5
Top 10
TCDC reserves the right to combine categories where necessary in order to maximize the number of entries eligible for high scores.
Overall High Score Novice - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Intermediate - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Advanced - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Tiny - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Mini - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Petite - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Junior - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Teen - $50 Scholarship
Overall High Score Senior - $50 Scholarship
Determined by the highest five group routines (2+ dancers) from each studio, receives $200
Given to an exemplary routine as determined by the Director
Excellent choreography as determined by the judges, receives $100
Given to a routine or performer who exhibits exemplary technique, receives $100
Given to a routine or performer who exhibits exemplary performance quality
Vary by event
Given to exemplary student choreographed routine(s), top three is awarded
Full national convention scholarship awarded to soloists displaying potential + excellence
Given to outstanding convention dancers who display exemplary ability, receives $75
Given to promising convention dancers who display hard-work and potential, receives $50
Given to convention dancers for excellence in particular styles of dance
Top Studio Award
Director's Choice Award
Choreography Award
Bette-Ann Monti-Rossi Technique Award
Best Emotional Execution
Judges' Choice Awards
Student Choreography
Soloist Excellence Scholarship
Outstanding Dancer
Promising Dancer
Faculty Spotlight Award
All scholarships are redeemable at a TCDC regional or national event. Not eligible for cash or concession.
improv challenge
Soloists are invited to compete in our Regional Improv Challenge at every regional event (*pending schedule availability). Registration is completed through our online registration system and costs $20/dancer.
Each dancer will have the opportunity to select their dance genre and will perform to 30 seconds of a song selected by TCDC Staff. Judges will score each Improv Contestant and awards will be given to the Junior Improv Challenge Winner (Age 13 and Under) and the Senior Improv Challenge Winner (Age 14 and Up).
National Information
Entries receiving a score of a Silver or higher at any Regional Event are eligible to compete at Nationals. Entries that did not compete and/or qualify at Regionals may be approved by the Director following a Preliminary Competition. Please contact the Director for more information. Studios may utilize understudies to replace Regional Dancers without penalty at National Competition.
Performance Showcase Invitations will be given at each Regional Event to group dances that exhibit exemplary entertainment value for the opportunity to compete in the Performance Showcase at Nationals. Dances invited to compete in the Performance Showcase will compete for cash prizes as the National Entertainer of the Year (chosen by judges) and the People's Choice Award Winner (voted by studio representatives). Each studio may compete no more than 1 Performance Showcase entry. The entry must have qualified via invitation at Regionals OR receive TCDC Director approval. Appropriate situations for an entry swap for the Performance Showcase include certain dancers not attending Regionals, inability to transport props, etc.
Each Performance Showcase entry must be registered for the Performance Showcase (including payment of applicable fees) AND the National Competition (including payment of applicable fees.
National Team Invitation will be given at each Regional Event to dancers/dances who are invited to perform with the National Team at our National Event. National Team members will be required to purchase the t-shirt to be worn for the performance and will have the opportunity to work with a TCDC Faculty Member and other talented dancers through rehearsals and the final performance.